BEL approves buy-back of 2.04cr equity shares at Rs182.50 per share

Equity tips:- The board of directors of Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), in their meeting held on January 30, 2018, approved the proposal to buy-back the equity shares of the company. The buy-back would be of ~2.04cr equity shares (representing 0.83% of total equity shares) at a price of Rs182.50 per share (~7% premium to the last closing price) payable in cash. The buy-back size amounts to Rs372.26cr, representing 5% of the aggregate of the fully paid-up equity share capital and free reserves of the company. The promoter of the company also intends to participate in the proposed buyback. The buyback is subject to approval from the shareholders and all other applicable statutes. The board has fixed February 9, 2018 as the record date for the buy-back. The board of directors also declared an interim dividend of Rs1.6 per equity share for the FY18. The stock closed at a price of Rs177.25, up by 0.91% or Rs1.6, on January 30, 20...